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5 Simple Lessons To Benefit Humanity Now

Benefit Humanity Now Through 5 Simple Lessons

You’re probably experiencing the tumultuous energy in the world today. There isn’t a single person who isn’t affected. There’s a lot of humanity out there. Everyone at varying frequencies and at various points along their own path. That means everyone is dealing with the events and corresponding energy differently. You may be struggling mightily or perhaps you’re able to see the bigger picture. Either way your heart, skills, and unique gifts are needed. At least one person or many, need your light. You are already assisting humanity and are doing so in small and large ways every day. Can you see this? Can you grow it and take it to new heights?

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I didn't recognize my connection to racism

I Didn’t Recognize My Connection To Racism

All those times I learned of something horrific happening. The story of the moment faded away and I assumed things might be getting better. I told myself people learned, and progress was made. But no progress was made. An opportunity for positive change exists more often than we may realize. And I know that I and other white people can personally make a positive difference. But it means aware of our part in creating inequality and racism. And then we take action and truly stand up for what we care about. This is where I am today…

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We're all in this together

We’re All In This Together

On the one hand, we’re all different from each other. Each person is wonderfully unique. However, we all share a common experience and that’s the experience of life. Everyone has their ups and downs. But on our uniquely individual paths perhaps we can remember to collaborate and cooperate with each other. Perhaps we can learn to be less judgmental. What’s that quote? “You can’t have compassion for someone you wish were different.”

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Equisite Life Lesson

Equisite Life Lessons

Spiritual transition and awakening can bring up all sorts of nuances in one’s life. Friendships are bound to change. Some friendships will grow and others will fade away. In the meantime, there may be ill feelings that creep in as we’re both standing in the same place but perceiving it very differently. No one’s at fault here. Take a look and decide how you can still be you and be in this friendship. If not, it’s a practice in letting go and that might be the kindest thing to do.

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How Music Positively Transforms Us

How Music Positively Transforms Us

Music is one of our most powerful and beautiful tools we can use for connection and healing. Our intuitive guidance can use it to connect with us and bring us supportive messages. Music offers us healing by transforming our mood just by listening to songs we positively resonate with. Our musical preferences are as unique and individual as we are. It can transport us to a daydreamy state and lift us to new heights. We lose track of time and go within to access its gifts.

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