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Help Yourself and the World During Chaotic Moments

Assist Yourself and Humanity During Chaotic Moments

Often it’s in life’s painful moments that offer an opportunity to practice. To practice becoming more conscious about your power to positively shift the energy on the earth. When we process something as being upsetting we can look at it as an opportunity. I wonder what will happen now? What will people choose? More importantly, what will I choose? And so we begin the practice of observation without judgment. That part takes extra practice. I know I’m still working on non-judgment. Though judging others is not to be confused with having opinions about the chaos or troubling incident. Experiences lead to opinions and opinions can lead to clarity. Judgment is not assisting anyone.

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Question Mark It’s Good to Become Comfortable with Uncertainty and Mystery

It’s Good to Become Comfortable with Uncertainty and Mystery

There’s an art to living with uncertainty and mystery. If you can learn to be open to not knowing all the answers then you’re on your way to an exciting life that’s constantly evolving with your growth, well-being, and purpose at heart. None of us has to be an expert at living life. Questions are an expected part of our existence. Some answers we’re ready for and some we’re not. The art is allowing for what’s best and trusting that whatever shows up in your life, is best. Some life experiences may not make sense at the time but everything happens for a reason. All we have to do is show up, open to allowing for rather than forcing. If you’re alive, you’re dancing, even if it feels you have two left feet.

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5 Simple Lessons To Benefit Humanity Now

Benefit Humanity Now Through 5 Simple Lessons

You’re probably experiencing the tumultuous energy in the world today. There isn’t a single person who isn’t affected. There’s a lot of humanity out there. Everyone at varying frequencies and at various points along their own path. That means everyone is dealing with the events and corresponding energy differently. You may be struggling mightily or perhaps you’re able to see the bigger picture. Either way your heart, skills, and unique gifts are needed. At least one person or many, need your light. You are already assisting humanity and are doing so in small and large ways every day. Can you see this? Can you grow it and take it to new heights?

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Marrying Your Spirituality with Action

Marrying Your Spirituality with Action

Allowing your own experience requires confidence, letting go of caring what others may think, and instead be a stand for the light you practice so hard to bring to your life experience.  “We’re all in this together” is, in part, about being there for others.  “We’re all connected” is more than a woo-woo phrase.  Let’s do our part to honor our connectedness.  To no longer stand by while injustice, inequities, abuse, and corruption exist.  If you believe injustice, inequities, abuse, and corruption are not personally affecting you, they are affecting someone.  And it’s that someone that you don’t personally know but are still connected to.   So in a sense, it is harming you personally as well.  When you look the other way and trust that it will all work out, you know in your heart that something is not working now for someone, somewhere.

What your part in this is, is for you to discover.  You may discover your passion and voice and realize that standing for peace and love means taking beneficial action. And how that shows up for you is as individual as you are.  You get to decide.

I’m not suggesting upping your game on social media.  This isn’t about getting people to agree with you.  It’s about becoming who you know you really are and sharing your authentic self.

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Hammock with Person's Feet

Being Busy or Efficient Doesn’t Equal a Meaningful Life

We’re the producer, director, and actor in our daily lives.  As a producer, we create our life goals.  As the director, we think about how we want to come across.  How we want others to see us.  Not as we are, but as we want to be seen.  As the actor, we work hard to ensure we achieve our goals while looking good as we achieve them.  Getting our life all ship-shape.  Making sure it works this way or that way.  Forcing everything into place. 

It’s common to force productivity on myself for the sake of, “I matter because I’m busy”.  And therefore I make myself busy to matter.

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Blue Teapot and Cup on Table

Calming Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Mankind experiences crises in all shapes and forms to varying degrees.  If you’re experiencing a crisis you never thought you would see in your lifetime, you’re in good company.  You may be somewhat or very shocked.  But how you process experiences is as individual and as unique as you are.

The crisis will end and mankind will have evolved.  And you’ll now better understand how to effect a dramatic positive shift in your life.  If you can step up to looking to yourself in challenging times, you’ll definitely be able to do this on an average day.  This is you learning to stand in your personal power and create light in more and more moments.  Even in the tough moments.  Mastering your energy in terms of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, through your choices, patterns, and habits will serve you well.  It will serve others well.

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Within Your Life Muck Transformation Awaits

Within Your Life Muck, Transformation Awaits

Do you ever feel that you have unpleasant experiences in your life that are asking you to look at them?  But you can’t be bothered because you avoid feeling unpleasant.  You’re aiming for awesome, even if you have to force it.

However, there’s a reason you’re prompted to look because, at some point, it will serve you well.  Until you take a look and work through the troubling part of your life, you will continue to feel somewhere in the range of blah to awful.   It’s understandable that you don’t want to feel these kinds of feelings.  It’s so much easier to pretend there’s nothing to look at.

You’ve probably experienced that it’s the messy and darker areas of life that hold the greatest gifts.  They’re hiding in our muck.  It’s a little bit of a treasure hunt to uncover them.

If you’re feeling that you’re standing smack in your own muck, that’s great news!  You’re being asked to take action and grow.  Things will get better.

You don’t like your muck?  I don’t especially like mine either!  But, stay with me here…

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Networking. Painful Lessons Learned.

Networking. Painful Lessons Learned.

The 60-second elevator speech and women’s networking luncheons are not everyone’s cup of tea. Ok, it’s not my cup of tea. But I learned to appreciate these women spending two hours connecting with each other to promote their business and help each other. Not my thing. I left my career to do what I’m doing now. Why waste even one moment doing something I don’t enjoy?

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Equisite Life Lesson

Equisite Life Lessons

Spiritual transition and awakening can bring up all sorts of nuances in one’s life. Friendships are bound to change. Some friendships will grow and others will fade away. In the meantime, there may be ill feelings that creep in as we’re both standing in the same place but perceiving it very differently. No one’s at fault here. Take a look and decide how you can still be you and be in this friendship. If not, it’s a practice in letting go and that might be the kindest thing to do.

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That Tingly Shiver Feeling

That Tingly Shiver Feeling

There are many ways to feel my connection with higher energy. At the time of writing this blog post, my strongest sense is clairsentience. That means that I feel my connection through my feelings. It’s these feelings that provide confirmation, serve to bring my awareness to what’s present, teach me what’s working and not working. There are numerous benefits. What is it? My connection is to my intuitive guidance, source energy, higher self, and so forth. I don’t get too bogged down to exactly what it is every time I feel it. I’m just aware and that offers me information and connection from within myself for my benefit.

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My Sanctuary Is Wherever I Am

My sanctuary is wherever I am in nature or at home. We don’t have to manufacture our most supportive space. You’ll know it by how you feel. Do you feel relaxed, joyful, peaceful, supported? Is this a place where ideas and dreams bubble up easily for you? Go to this place when you most need it or just as a practice every day. It will serve you well. Here are some of my most special places.

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What Relationships Can Do For Us

What Relationships Can Do For Us

If you want to move your personal and spiritual growth forward in a faster and more direct way, observe. Observe your relationships because they are the teaching ground for growth. Every single relationship in our life matters. It’s an exercise in exploring what’s showing up. Sometimes there’s pain, other times joy. But it’s always an opportunity for learning from your own experiences. The most direct and best kind of learning there is.

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Maintain Joy And Higher Vibration

Maintain Joy And Higher Vibration

First I want to say that I sometimes gossip. If someone hurts my feelings my go-to is complaining about that person to another friend. What I’m learning is that I feel awful when I do that. That constriction are my intuitive feelings coaching me to do something more supportive for myself.

If I want to create my higher vision and ideas then I will need all the assistance I can get. That means getting out of my own way and enabling something better.

When you feel yourself going gossipy just notice how you feel in your gut area/power center/solar plexus chakra. The more you notice how you feel the more you’re training yourself how not to go there the next time. It takes self-awareness to make positive habits stick. The more you take on lighter thoughts and words the more you’ll be creating lighter life experiences. It all comes down to the energy system that we are. Our natural space is to stand in our power as in light and love. When you’re in that space you should feel expansive, confident, lighthearted, and able to let things slide off of you more. When you speak up to another you’ll do so with confidence, kindness, and still be able to get your point across to state your feelings and opinions. This is you taking care of your needs from a position of true strength and power.

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Roadmap to Purposeful Work?

Discovering one’s purposeful work can take a minute. You may have come here with a plan but you will have shortly forgotten it. If we think of it as a fun game to uncover what we’re truly passionate about, it will show itself to us. Step by step we can discover what we’re meant to do. And we’ll know it by how we feel. Just as we’ll know what doesn’t feel good to us. It’s a process. We can’t mess it up. All roads lead there.

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Living Intuitively Is Easy

Living Intuitively Is Easy

Living intuitively sounds all woo-woo but it’s as simple as living with more self-awareness and from ourselves. The more we do this the more aware we become. We have our very own internal guidance system if we just listen to it. It will never steer us wrong. It doesn’t mean we won’t decide to take a different tact and wish we hadn’t. But we can get back on track faster by paying attention to what we’re being shown.

There’s a desperate desire for more love and peace in our world. But all it takes is deciding to be the vibe you wish to experience. Desire more love in the world? Be loving.

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How Music Positively Transforms Us

How Music Positively Transforms Us

Music is one of our most powerful and beautiful tools we can use for connection and healing. Our intuitive guidance can use it to connect with us and bring us supportive messages. Music offers us healing by transforming our mood just by listening to songs we positively resonate with. Our musical preferences are as unique and individual as we are. It can transport us to a daydreamy state and lift us to new heights. We lose track of time and go within to access its gifts.

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And It's Only Tuesday

Sparkles on My Lake

Our walk around my neighborhood lakes led me to feeling both misty and feeling a little vulnerable to what’s next. I know that change is good and it’s time for me to leave this home I’ve lived in for approximately 20 years. It’s time for my husband and me to look for a home we can both love. While I’m looking forward to this, we’re taking a walk in the natural areas near my current home to say goodbye to the benches I’ve sat on, the wildlife I’ve enjoyed, and my sparkly lake view.

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Distancing Myself From Negative Nellies

Distancing Myself From Negative Nellies

There’s no law that says I have to figure out how to feel awesome while in the presence of negative people. What if I don’t have to expend any energy and effort on how to work at it. I can choose to remove myself from their presence and go on my merry way. There’s nothing wrong with me if I’m not able to enjoy someone’s company, particularly mean people. If it looks like an unpleasant situation then I can take myself out of it. And it takes little to no effort to do so. Done. Problem solved.

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What It Took for Sara to Love Her Life

What It Took For Me

I had to look within myself at the crummy experiences I had in order to learn why I felt the way I did. On my goodness was that a great idea! That work was priceless and I’m happier in my life, have a larger perspective, and realize my value. I stretched myself by taking whatever necessary steps are in my best interest.
As I learned by considering my experiences I noticed patterns in how I thought about myself, others, and even how I perceived humanity.

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No News is Good News

No News Is Good News

Human beings like things to be easy but expect big beneficial change to be difficult. That’s we get stuck in the same old paradigm of looking to political leaders to fix things. But how’s that working out for humanity? The news aggravates and accentuates humanity’s supposed divisiveness. It isn’t helping to be that kind of informed.

For most, it’s easier to watch the news and feel disgruntled rather than creating beneficial experiences. But sitting, watching, discussing, and bitching does nothing beneficial. It just contributes more doom and gloom. And, doom and gloom isn’t a great recipe to inspire positive action. It’s a motivator for more doom and gloom.

A better motivator is realizing one’s own unique and individual personal power. It may not come with a political institution attached to it but it’s powerful nevertheless. True beneficial change happens when each of us steps us to act in peace, practice compassion, tolerance, and patience to collaborate and cooperate.

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It Can Be A Real Drag But People Are Great Teachers

It Can Be A Real Drag But People Are Great Teachers

My serving on my homeowners board is a microcosm of the larger political institution in our country. There’s politics, misinformation, anger, hate, frustration, distrust, paranoia. Did I mention misinformation?! I had to learn that I always have a choice. There’s no rule or law that says I have to stay in a horribly negative environment. I had the opportunity to walk and return to peace, joy, calm, cooperation, collaboration, trust, compassion, and patience. But unfortunately, I wanted to control the situation thinking that would make everything better. It didn’t. This was a lesson for me in letting go and allowing others to be who they are. At any point in time, I could have resigned and returned to where I’m experiencing something so much kinder and lovelier.

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