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Time for simplicity can look like these grass stalks against green background

It’s Time For Simplicity

For the past few months, I realized it’s time in my life for simplicity and I took a nice long break from all that involved creating my passion projects.

Why?  Because the work behind creating and marketing my heartfelt projects became a grind.

When I retired early back in 2013…it was actually more like instantaneously quitting…I finally had the time to create what I wanted to create.  To create something meaningful to me.


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Question Mark It’s Good to Become Comfortable with Uncertainty and Mystery

It’s Good to Become Comfortable with Uncertainty and Mystery

There’s an art to living with uncertainty and mystery. If you can learn to be open to not knowing all the answers then you’re on your way to an exciting life that’s constantly evolving with your growth, well-being, and purpose at heart. None of us has to be an expert at living life. Questions are an expected part of our existence. Some answers we’re ready for and some we’re not. The art is allowing for what’s best and trusting that whatever shows up in your life, is best. Some life experiences may not make sense at the time but everything happens for a reason. All we have to do is show up, open to allowing for rather than forcing. If you’re alive, you’re dancing, even if it feels you have two left feet.

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Marrying Your Spirituality with Action

Marrying Your Spirituality with Action

Allowing your own experience requires confidence, letting go of caring what others may think, and instead be a stand for the light you practice so hard to bring to your life experience.  “We’re all in this together” is, in part, about being there for others.  “We’re all connected” is more than a woo-woo phrase.  Let’s do our part to honor our connectedness.  To no longer stand by while injustice, inequities, abuse, and corruption exist.  If you believe injustice, inequities, abuse, and corruption are not personally affecting you, they are affecting someone.  And it’s that someone that you don’t personally know but are still connected to.   So in a sense, it is harming you personally as well.  When you look the other way and trust that it will all work out, you know in your heart that something is not working now for someone, somewhere.

What your part in this is, is for you to discover.  You may discover your passion and voice and realize that standing for peace and love means taking beneficial action. And how that shows up for you is as individual as you are.  You get to decide.

I’m not suggesting upping your game on social media.  This isn’t about getting people to agree with you.  It’s about becoming who you know you really are and sharing your authentic self.

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Hammock with Person's Feet

Being Busy or Efficient Doesn’t Equal a Meaningful Life

We’re the producer, director, and actor in our daily lives.  As a producer, we create our life goals.  As the director, we think about how we want to come across.  How we want others to see us.  Not as we are, but as we want to be seen.  As the actor, we work hard to ensure we achieve our goals while looking good as we achieve them.  Getting our life all ship-shape.  Making sure it works this way or that way.  Forcing everything into place. 

It’s common to force productivity on myself for the sake of, “I matter because I’m busy”.  And therefore I make myself busy to matter.

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Do You Know Your Purpose?

Do You Know Your Purpose?

Purpose teaches us just what we came here to learn and discover about ourselves. It’s teaching us as well as allowing us to share our talents and gifts. When we uncover it we discover more about ourselves than we could ever imagine. It’s that thing that scares us and excites us all at once. Sometimes we avoid it because we don’t dare pursue it. What will others think? Will they laugh? Who am I to do that? One of the most interesting parts of life is in uncovering purpose and enjoying the ride as it morphs along the way.

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Networking. Painful Lessons Learned.

Networking. Painful Lessons Learned.

The 60-second elevator speech and women’s networking luncheons are not everyone’s cup of tea. Ok, it’s not my cup of tea. But I learned to appreciate these women spending two hours connecting with each other to promote their business and help each other. Not my thing. I left my career to do what I’m doing now. Why waste even one moment doing something I don’t enjoy?

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Equisite Life Lesson

Equisite Life Lessons

Spiritual transition and awakening can bring up all sorts of nuances in one’s life. Friendships are bound to change. Some friendships will grow and others will fade away. In the meantime, there may be ill feelings that creep in as we’re both standing in the same place but perceiving it very differently. No one’s at fault here. Take a look and decide how you can still be you and be in this friendship. If not, it’s a practice in letting go and that might be the kindest thing to do.

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Perfection is Most Elusive

Perfection Is Most Elusive

Honk if you don’t love parties. I don’t. I like them better than I used to but usually, I wish for a little scheduling conflict to show up so I can’t attend The Party. If it’s something I can’t get out of or have decided to push through my discomfort, I actually show up. There’s no telling how I might show up. I could be quiet, which is my old go-to. Or, I might talk a lot out of nervousness. When I used to drink socially I’d be sure to have one or two to get through the party. Sometimes I insert foot into mouth. Now that I’m more consciously intuitive I feel some people’s energy and that’s a whole new complication.

One of my life lessons and there are many, is to just be me and let go of concerning myself how others might process me. When that happens I find myself relaxing and actually enjoying the party. And if I’m not enjoying myself? I remind myself there’s nothing wrong with being an introvert and wishing I were home or on a woody path, or out on our sailboat for the night stargazing. I don’t have to apologize for what I like and don’t like. It’s time to stop feeling like I have to fit into what I feel society wants from me and instead just do whatever I want.

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What Relationships Can Do For Us

What Relationships Can Do For Us

If you want to move your personal and spiritual growth forward in a faster and more direct way, observe. Observe your relationships because they are the teaching ground for growth. Every single relationship in our life matters. It’s an exercise in exploring what’s showing up. Sometimes there’s pain, other times joy. But it’s always an opportunity for learning from your own experiences. The most direct and best kind of learning there is.

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Maintain Joy And Higher Vibration

Maintain Joy And Higher Vibration

First I want to say that I sometimes gossip. If someone hurts my feelings my go-to is complaining about that person to another friend. What I’m learning is that I feel awful when I do that. That constriction are my intuitive feelings coaching me to do something more supportive for myself.

If I want to create my higher vision and ideas then I will need all the assistance I can get. That means getting out of my own way and enabling something better.

When you feel yourself going gossipy just notice how you feel in your gut area/power center/solar plexus chakra. The more you notice how you feel the more you’re training yourself how not to go there the next time. It takes self-awareness to make positive habits stick. The more you take on lighter thoughts and words the more you’ll be creating lighter life experiences. It all comes down to the energy system that we are. Our natural space is to stand in our power as in light and love. When you’re in that space you should feel expansive, confident, lighthearted, and able to let things slide off of you more. When you speak up to another you’ll do so with confidence, kindness, and still be able to get your point across to state your feelings and opinions. This is you taking care of your needs from a position of true strength and power.

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Roadmap to Purposeful Work?

Discovering one’s purposeful work can take a minute. You may have come here with a plan but you will have shortly forgotten it. If we think of it as a fun game to uncover what we’re truly passionate about, it will show itself to us. Step by step we can discover what we’re meant to do. And we’ll know it by how we feel. Just as we’ll know what doesn’t feel good to us. It’s a process. We can’t mess it up. All roads lead there.

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Being A Good Person

Being a Good Person

The word spirituality is such a loaded word. When I use the word I feel other people’s assumptions. It can even grate on someone’s nerves. To some, it equates to their religion. To others it’s more about how one is consciously choosing to be aware of themselves. Why does the word spirituality take on such significance and feel so loaded?

Whatever it means to you is fine with me. I like to say that we’re each unique individuals and so shouldn’t our spirituality and spiritual journey be as unique and individual as we are? It is what it is. And all too often it gets lumped in with being a “good” person. I don’t feel it has anything to do with how nice someone is.

To me, it’s simply about how I feel, at every moment.  And the choices that I’m creating in each of those moments and how I experience those choices. Ok, there’s more but it has nothing to do with what exists outside of me. My experience doesn’t have to fit in with anyone else’s.

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