Joy in colorful letters on paper

Receiving My Loud Invitation to Enjoy

I just received my formal invitation to enjoy.  For a while now, I’ve had an ongoing informal invitation for joy.

Sometimes I show up for it but then I get lazy and go back to serious, analytical mode…What’s down the road?  What will the result look like?  How do I get there?  Am I doing enough?  Am I enough?  Will I make a difference? 

I don’t have to take my spiritual “journey” so seriously.  It’s not just about doing what I love to do, because that’s the easier part. The greater challenge for me is, what frame of mind am I in when I’m doing what I love.

Yesterday my doctor calls and tells me I have to go back for another test because they might see something.  I have two ways to deal with this and both made an appearance….1-Bad word and think oh jeez just when my life is totally kick-ass I’m going to die.  Melodramatic for sure.  OR, 2-It’s probably nothing they’re just being extra buttoned up which is great, that’s their job. I’m going to approach this with a light heart and trust it’s all going to be fine.  And I went with #2 and gratefully it ended with…” you’re good, come back in six months just to be sure”.

How we process our experiences is important.  It matters.  What the experience serves to show us is important.

This very ordinary situation appeared as an invitation to manage my thoughts and to enjoy more.  It’s just a little reminder.Invitation to Enjoy

It’s such a good time to accept this invitation because I’m ready to start creating some exciting things and what better time to enjoy myself.

I’m hearing “accept and enjoy every invitation…there’s one every second”. 

Can you look around in your life and find the invitations to enjoy more?  Your husband excitedly telling you a story that has great meaning for him?  Going bowling with your nephew’s children?  Watching a hummingbird do his swoopie mating dance?  Or the new leaves on your tree sapling?

I’ll bet there are unlimited opportunities for joy if we slow down, notice, and see this feeling as our greatest gift.

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