Life Isn't a Marathon - Observe a Child

Life isn’t a marathon, observe a child

It’s an honor to be in the presence of the young.

Children have the freest spirits and unbridled joy.  They can swing to tears in a mere second, but in the next moment, they’ve moved on.  Children put their happiness out there, totally enjoy the moment and don’t care how their happiness pours out of them.  They skip, jump, and say really cute stuff.  I notice they don’t self-edit. If a child wrote this blog post, the post might say something like…had fun yesterday!, went bowling, ate fun food, spent time with my Aunt and Uncle, bowled, held my Aunt’s hand, did I tell you I went bowling?, colored on my placemat, I really like to bowl.  

Observe a ChildLife isn’t a marathon, observe a child.  I’m taking my cues from kids.

There’s no class, workshop, book or leader that can teach happiness as well as a child can.  I’ve been running a marathon to be at ease, be myself, cultivate joy, and create what I came here to create.  But there’s an undercurrent of seriousness I’m trying to shake off because it’s not helping.  It’s all good.  Whatever, right?!

So here’s my blog post for today, channeling my inner child.

Yesterday was a great day, I went bowling with family, wore my STRIKE bowling socks that AOL gave me during one of our many team building events, before they laid me off.  The socks and I came in last but I had lots of fun anyway, we went to a restaurant that looked like a beach hut, I ordered tater tots and soup, borrowed a crayon and colored a little on the placemat, held my great-nephew’s hand.

I’m in awe of my great-nephews, drove home, wanted to go to an art gallery reception but instead wrote a (serious) blog post on friendship.  I really wish I’d gone to the art gallery reception.  Because I love meeting artists, I’m going to the next art gallery reception no matter what.  Today I woke up early and I’m writing this blog post, going to go out for lunch for a crepe even though it’s not gluten-free and sit on the city dock and look at the water and eat my crepe. Then I’ll take photographs, go for a walk, and maybe paint, maybe fill out the lawyer’s form to do our will.  Really hope I paint instead of filling out the form, and write the date for the next art gallery reception on my calendar.  Did I tell you I love art galleries?!

6 thoughts on “Life isn’t a marathon, observe a child

  1. Margarita - January 16, 2017

    Sounds like the best sort of marathon! 😉 xoM

    1. saradoolittle - January 16, 2017

      You’re right it is! TY.

  2. ZacharyWGilbert - January 16, 2017

    I am a Dad of 3 kiddos and I approve this message. Went to the Star Wars ‘Costume’ exhibit last weekend with a 9 yr old, 6 yr old and a 2 yr old. If I went by myself it would have been 10 minutes of ‘ok’. With the kids it was 45 minutes of awesome! They got so excited… Kids are life’s great teachers for sure. Great post! I enjoyed it.

    1. saradoolittle - January 16, 2017

      Thank you so much. I got my special tingly shiver tearing up feeling when I read your most recent post…but that’s a good thing!

  3. Danny Clark - March 10, 2017

    I was told once to watch the posture of a child running. That is the best reflection of joy.

    1. saradoolittle - March 11, 2017

      So true! BTW, love your art.

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