Equisite Life Lesson

Equisite Life Lessons

Exquisite life lessons are frequently to do with my friendships and acquaintances these days.

It appears I’m in a transition period and, as a result, I have some decisions to make about some of my friendships.

Equisite Life LessonsSo much has shifted in my life over the past few years that my friendships are shifting as well.  With the country going through so many raw emotions now it’s easy to get into the habit of being upset, feeling hopeless, and seeing the negative.  But those are not emotions I want to cultivate.  I get it, something very upsetting happens and we go to fear, seeing the worst in everything, feeling dread and waiting for the worst to happen.  However, I believe that feeling hopeless and anger offers the world or me nothing of benefit.  It offers only struggle.  Instead, I choose to see the possibilities.

I choose to create what I desire.  As I’m creating positive, I’m experiencing more positive things in my life.  Until I stumble.  Then I try again and succeed.  It’s a dance that I’m getting better at.  And, when I look back, I see a direct correlation between when I began to choose to look to myself to create something better, and when positive experiences began to show up for me.  So I’m not budging because this is working really, really, well for me.

However well things are going for me, I don’t exactly fit in with some of my friends’ beliefs any longer.  I’m having a really hard time listening to them.

However nice it is to get together with people, I don’t enjoy being with people that prefer to go to fear and dread.

And, it’s impossible to create what I want to create if I surround myself with fear and dread.  It’s like trying to create a healthy lifestyle while smoking a pack of cigarettes.

When a friend and I recently spent time together, I wanted to enjoy our time by talking about anything but how bad things are.  I realized I’d been watering myself down in this friendship.  I rarely share what I’m excited about, or talk about some of the things I’m doing.  It’s as though there’s a policy of don’t tell and the friend doesn’t ask.  So explaining why I don’t want to look at all that’s seemingly dark out there, I shared why I now choose to see possibilities, hope, and inspiration.

I brought her up to date by sharing some of the amazing things that I’ve experienced, how hard I worked to get here, what I had to look at to get to this place, how excited I am about what I’m working on now.  That I’m not interested in focusing on the drama and popular events that pull us down into hopelessness and fear.  Unfortunately, I not so subtly conveyed through my evident frustration that day, and this is how I feel about all your negativity.

I can’t speak for my friend, but this was about the authenticity and quality of our time together.

Our most exquisite life lessons are often around friendships because friendships push us to be authentic.

It feels great to walk our own walk because we’re channeling our own strength and power.

A lesson I’m experiencing now is about letting friends see all of me now, especially the parts I’m apt to hide.  Even if I think a friend won’t like those parts.  If the mutual support isn’t there, it becomes an opportunity in letting go.  It can be kinder to allow that friendship to fade away for our mutual benefit.

We didn’t come here to people please and win popularity awards.  In part, we’re here to contribute and that’s often no small thing.  It requires us to uncover what that is, and then even if it’s a stretch, to stretch for it.  Not everyone will see the possibilities.  What matters is what you feel is your truth and that you live the kind of life that works for you.

Friends don’t define us.  They add to our life.  When our friendships are mutually supportive, that’s a gift.  Hold on to it.

2 thoughts on “Equisite Life Lessons

  1. macygrayblog - January 16, 2017

    I can relate! I hold on to some friendships just because they are some of my oldest and that’s fearing to my heart but they lack growth. So I wonder sometimes… but lessons are found in all places. Wonderful post!!

    1. saradoolittle - January 16, 2017

      I wasn’t sure I should put all that out there as I was in the middle of working it all out, so your comment is much appreciated.

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