And It's Only Tuesday

Sparkles on My Lake

Yesterday we went for one of our many delightful walks, this one around the lake that’s right next to the lake I live on.

Just as we were nearing the small bridge we saw a couple of deer and then a little spotted doe walked across the path.  The doe stopped to look at us curiously for a minute or two and then eagerly pranced along the path the others were meandering up.

We then discovered a little turtle laying on top of a sloped rock. An orange dragonfly started to buzz him and tried to land on the little turtle’s head.  The turtle would pull his head into his shell and the dragonfly would fly off. This repeated for quite a few minutes. It looked like he was trying to annoy the turtle.  It was so cute to watch. Finally, the turtle fell into the water and we moved our attention to three or so tiny bass swimming around. And some mallards made an appearance.

It was the perfect walk but every walk is.

This morning is an equally beautiful day with the little lake very blue and lots of sparkly sunshine on the water.

I enjoy my ritual on sunny mornings.  As I wake up and lie in bed the walls and ceiling reflect the water shimmer.  And I look out the window and can see the undersides of tree leaves shimmering.  We eat our breakfast outside and, as usual, I can’t stop staring at the sparkles.  The sparkles are beautiful, brilliant light.  When the breeze picks up the sparkles multiply, and when it calms down the sparkles are fewer, yet more noticeable. I’ve tried to capture it on camera but I’m not able to do so.  My sparkly light will have to remain a memory.

While we eat, we’re entertained by downy woodpeckers today.  Most days it’s crows, cardinals, nuthatches, titmice, wood ducks, bluebirds, wrens, blue or green or night herons…you name it.

Later today I walked to my second favorite bench, that’s next to a brook.  On the way, I saw more deer with yet another young one who crossed my path after carefully sizing me up.  He had little stubby antlers and met up with his Dad who had very large antlers and one other deer. I watched them munching from the branches and slowly move along through the woods.

Soon I’ll be leaving the sparkles on my lake and this place I’ve lived in for many, many years now.

It’s amazing that I live in such a surprisingly lovely natural area.  Surprisingly it’s close to the hustle and bustle of suburbia including office buildings and traffic.  I love the lake, trees, walking paths, and natural areas.  And yet, I’m still looking forward to living in and exploring a new area, sometime this year.

But I know the change will be great for us.

We’ll move into a house that will allow us to even better provide an inspiring environment for us to follow and enjoy our dreams.  I only hope the next home will also have lots of trees to enjoy, sparkly water to gaze at, and natural areas to walk and relax in with lots of wildlife.

Whatever it offers, I’m excited to meet up with it and I know I’ll love it.

9 thoughts on “Sparkles on My Lake

  1. fonzandcancer - July 23, 2015

    Truly pretty place that you live, you must pinch yourself everyday. How privileged to see so many deer in one day. Lovely.

  2. Annie Eagan - July 24, 2015

    It’s so great to read about your life in these pages. I had a great dream about you last night– so, I’ve been thinking about you all day today. Very wonderful to be in your presence in that way. Lots of puppies in the dream as well, so it was fun. I have fond memories of your great place on the lake…and trying a kayak for the first time! Hope you are well.

    1. Sara Doolittle - July 25, 2015

      Annie, as my grandmother would say, “Oh my stars”. What a gift it is to hear from you. I couldn’t be happier and also that you had a dream about me and with puppies in it. Every since I opened your comment in WordPress I’ve had my lovely big time tingles that go on and on. All while we ran our errand at Home Depot, I’m having Annie Eagan tingles. I’m not surprised. I would love to catch up more and will send my email address for when that time will be. Until then, perhaps I will look to see if you too have a blog. Much love, Sara

  3. Pleasant Street - July 26, 2015

    This is a really lovely post. God’s world is so magical and inspiring. Good luck in your move 🙂

    1. Sara Doolittle - July 26, 2015

      Thank you. It is truly magical.

  4. Sara, Mark from @fonzandcancer sent me here. He was right to recommend your blog. I loved reading this post and following you on your adventure. Walks like this are advantures.
    Thank you for sharing them. Have a good week.

    1. Sara Doolittle - July 27, 2015

      Hi Sarah, How lovely to meet you and thank you for following and reading my post. I love your blog name. I look forward to reading your blog. My warmest regards, Sara

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